Praises & Prayers

Please pray for
Chase - 16 year old recovering from a Gun Shot wound he received protecting others
Liam - 4 year old with symptoms of serious illness awaiting test results
Phyllis - serious respiratory issues - in hospital in Easton
Slade - for continued healing
Pam - illness
Monica - illness
Nikki - illness
John - illness
Melanie - illness
Karen - illness
Rebecca - illness
Buddy - illness
Kim - mental and physical issues
Tyler - hit by motorcycle in hospital
Cindy -Prayers for opportunities for employment
Louann - unspoken request
David - recovery from surgery
Dara - prayer for God to move in her situation
Jeanie - illness
Wanda - continued support and encouragement
GI Students - prayer for students and leaders
EE25 planning has begun - prayer for needed staff and for necessary funds
New Series starting this weekend - "Back to the Basics"
Safety of those running for government offices
Question 1 on Maryland ballot
Peace in Jerusalem
Our Government leaders
That GI Partners will step up and help create a movement of God impacting our community