Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19

BEYOND GI is the world mission arm of Greater Impact and is actively pursuing the fulfillment of our
mission to “impact Caroline County AND BEYOND with the love of Christ for eternal gain!”
Greater Impact is currently reaching BEYOND the borders of Caroline County by partnering with . . .
· Ricky and Sherrie Aulds - Mercy Ministries in Phoenix, Arizona,
· Ken and Dawn Bishop - Global Partners in Eastern Europe, and
· Luis & Dinora Martinez - Impacto Ministries in Guatemala.
PRAY - Without exception, the number one request of all these missionaries is for our prayers. And
so, we invite you to include these missionaries in your daily prayers as they seek to impact their part
of the world with the love of Christ.
GIVE - Along with prayers, missionaries need and appreciate our financial support. To assist Greater
Impact’s partnership with these missionaries we invite you to give to “BEYOND GI”. Your gifts, over
and above your weekly tithes and offerings, will be distributed to our missionaries to assist them in
fulfilling their God-given mission.
GO - Finally, Greater Impact is actively planning and preparing for short-term mission opportunities.
We recently traveled to Impacto Ministries in Guatemala and are exploring a trip to Mercy Ministries
in Phoenix, Arizona. You are invited to prayerfully consider participating in a future trip as they
become available.
It was missionary William Carey who said that we should “expect great things from God” while
“attempting great things for God.” That is what we are all about here at Greater Impact as we seek
to “impact Caroline County AND BEYOND with the love of Christ for eternal gain.”
Will you join us in this ambitious endeavor?
mission to “impact Caroline County AND BEYOND with the love of Christ for eternal gain!”
Greater Impact is currently reaching BEYOND the borders of Caroline County by partnering with . . .
· Ricky and Sherrie Aulds - Mercy Ministries in Phoenix, Arizona,
· Ken and Dawn Bishop - Global Partners in Eastern Europe, and
· Luis & Dinora Martinez - Impacto Ministries in Guatemala.
PRAY - Without exception, the number one request of all these missionaries is for our prayers. And
so, we invite you to include these missionaries in your daily prayers as they seek to impact their part
of the world with the love of Christ.
GIVE - Along with prayers, missionaries need and appreciate our financial support. To assist Greater
Impact’s partnership with these missionaries we invite you to give to “BEYOND GI”. Your gifts, over
and above your weekly tithes and offerings, will be distributed to our missionaries to assist them in
fulfilling their God-given mission.
GO - Finally, Greater Impact is actively planning and preparing for short-term mission opportunities.
We recently traveled to Impacto Ministries in Guatemala and are exploring a trip to Mercy Ministries
in Phoenix, Arizona. You are invited to prayerfully consider participating in a future trip as they
become available.
It was missionary William Carey who said that we should “expect great things from God” while
“attempting great things for God.” That is what we are all about here at Greater Impact as we seek
to “impact Caroline County AND BEYOND with the love of Christ for eternal gain.”
Will you join us in this ambitious endeavor?